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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Albertsons QUAKER SALE starts WEDNESDAY!!

UPDATE: New $1/1 Quaker Coupon found here!
Just "start" and fill in the little note, then you have to "share it" with a friend either by Facebook or email. Make sure you are allowing popups from this site so you can get the coupon! Seemed a bit slow... probably from all the traffic, so hurry and get it before it's gone!!

Thanks Hip2Save!

Hooray! The Quaker sale is back!
This promo is better than the one from last January!

Here is how this promotion works.
  • Purchase the items in increments of 5
  • There are no limits
  • You can mix and match
ITEMS THAT ARE $1 {when purchased in increments of 5}
  • All Cap'n Crunch Varieties {14-16 oz}
  • Life and Cinnamon Life {14-16 oz}
  • Oatmeal Squares Cereal {14-16 oz}
  • Quaker Chewy Granola Bars or Dipps {7.9-8.7 oz}
  • Quaker Breakfast Cookies
  • Quaker Instant Oatmeal {I'm 99% positive that this includes ALL varieties}
  • Quaker Pancake Mix {2 lb select varieties}
  • Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix {32 oz}
ITEMS THAT ARE $1.40 {when purchased in increments of 5}
  • Quaker Oats {42 oz}
  • Aunt Jemima Syrup
NOW - these are items that I stock up on. We just barely ran out of oatmeal from the October sale, so I'm excited to get stocked up again! One thing I do to make the instant oatmeal last longer is rather than letting the kids use 2 packs (because 1 pack just doesn't fill them up!), I have them put some of the plain quick oats (that are on sale for $1.40). Makes it less sugary, and makes the instant last longer!


If you've ever attended one of our classes, you've heard me tell about WHY I purchase coupons on eBay at times. THIS is one of those sales that I'm purchasing coupons on eBay.

Here is a scenario:

$5.00 - 5 boxes of Granola Bars
-$2.75 - (5) $.55/1 coupons
=$2.25 for (5) boxes of Granola Bars (or $.45 each)
- $1.65 IF there were doublers next Sunday (we don't know either way yet)
= $.60 for 5 boxes of Granola Bars (or $.12 each)

I purchased 20 coupons on eBay for $1.99 (includes shipping) - the cost per coupon comes to $.09. The person I purchased through had 5 sets of these coupons, and didn't charge me any additional shipping. So I decided to save $ and purchase 100 coupons (I have plenty of people to share with), and it cost me $5.99. Now each coupon is only costing me $.06. I'm still getting CHEAP granola bars - and a LOT of them!

Why would I want so many granola bars?
  • snacks for kidlets
  • preschool snacks to send with kidlet
  • treat for post basketball game snack to send with kidlet
  • hubby likes to snack on when he's gone refereeing
  • we always have giveaways at our classes... need some for that!

I'll post more on this sale later, but I wanted to give you the opportunity to get your Quaker Coupons on eBay, if this is something you want to do. Remember you can find a buddy to split the cost with you!

If you're unfamiliar with eBay, be sure to read my (lengthy) post all about it!

What is your plan for the Quaker sale? Are you getting a LOT or a LITTLE? What do you like to do with your Quaker?


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Monica said...

100 coupons? I can help you out with those if you want!!!! Then I won't have to do my own order. hehe.

I did not see the RP 1/3 QUAKER BAR, just the little snack cakes.

Julee said...

This is aweseome! Thanks so much for the heads up! Now would you remind me how to go about doing a special order and where would be the best store to work with?
Thanks again!

5dollarFanatic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber said...

I already bought my coupons on ebay! Now I just have to decide if I bought enough?!? I too am on my last box of oatmeal so this sale comes at the perfect time. Plus I LOVE LOVE LOVE Captain Crunch. Yipeee!

Ali Smith said...

Yes, I would love more information on how to do a special order also...thanks!

The crazy chaos I call life... said...

Our Ad has a $10 off $50 coupon on the back... along with others. We're a different district so sometimes our ads are a lil different, but keep an eye out for that.

Lucas said...

Any sign of doublers tomorrow?

Mama Yo said...

We haven't heard anything about doubles :(

As far as making a special order. Just go talk to the grocery manager and place an order for the amount of items you have coupons for. You pay when it arrives! ALTHOUGH... I'm guessing that they are SUPER stocked, and you won't have to place an order. Let's say you're wanting 100 boxes of Granola Bars. I'd let him know I want that many and he may say they've got 2000 boxes, so go ahead and take what is out! :) Or he'll have you place an order. If you placed an order on Wednesday, you'd have it by Sunday.

Let me know if you need more help with that!

Anonymous said...

My dad says there isn't even an ad for tomorrow so no doublers he is assuming. :( I just saw him at work and he looked and there were no ads. So maybe they will be in the newspaper itself!?

Julee said...

Thanks Cathy! I'm soo excited about this one - except for hubby just informed me that he no longer likes Life cereal :( Crazzzy guy!

I bought some of the $3 off 5 items coupons on ebay because they worked for the cereals and granola bars :)

Brookie said...

hey i have a question...so do you have to buy them in increments of 5? or is 5 just the minimum? i have the $1/2 coupons,so can i buy 6 at a time? like how you said, you want to buy 100 boxes...do you have to do a million 5 box transactions?? please let me know, so i can prepare! thank you soooo much!

Mama Yo said...

Good Q Brookie -

If you have the $1/2 coupons, you'd be better to purchase 10 at a time.

If you wanted 100 boxes, you could do that in ONE transaction! Woot!

The only reason I would only do 5 in a transaction, would be if there were Sunday doublers (next week), that way I could double 3 of my coupons. Although that would only be if your coupons were the $.55/1.


$10 for 10 boxes
- $5 (5) $1/2 coupons
- $3 double three of those
$2.00 for 10 boxes. Not too shabby!

Even if there are no doubles, a box of granola bars for $.50 isn't bad!! Just remember to keep your total purchase in increments of 5. Anything that is outside of 5 will be charged the regular price, which is $1.60.

Have I confused you yet?

Brookie said...

oh great!! thank you so much for you help...you are awesome!:)

Jake Garling said...

I am an avid reader of your blog and I was wondering how you got the ad for next wednesday already. Please reply

Unknown said...

I love your site! You always seem to have the Albertson information first. Thank you so much for always giving us a heads up! I just ordered some coupons on ebay :)

Mama Yo said...

Thank you Katie!

Jake - we have an "insider" ;)

Tricia said...

If you do have the $1/2 Qs like me and if there are doubles, then it would actually be better to buy 6 in each transaction if I'm figuring it out right.
5 x $1 = $5
1 x $1.60 = 1.60
Total before Qs = 6.60

use 3 $1/2 = -$3
use 3 doubles = -$3

=$.60 for 6 boxes instead or $.10 cents a box

If you did buy 10 in each transaction, you'd pay $10 before Qs, subtract $5 (5 -$1/2) and subtract $3 for 3 doubles. So $2 oop divided by the ten boxes is $.20 each.

Either way a fabulous deal!

Martha said...

If you have $1/2 Qs and $.55/1 Q's, this would be an awesome scenario if doublers came Sunday:

5 boxes X $1 each = $5

use 2 $1/2 = $2
use 1 $.55 = $.55
use 3 doubles = $2.55

Save $5.10 - $.10 moneymaker!

I know it's a of "what if's", but even without doublers it's a great deal.

Mama Yo said...

Tricia - Woot! Thanks for thinking out what my tired head couldn't!

Martha - an even SWEETER deal! Now where is my magic ball? :) Guess we'll see!! (Maybe I should go purchase some $1/2 coupons!)

Martha said...

I hate not having that magic ball??? Should I wait till Sunday for doublers? What if they run out? What if the warehouse is out and my order doesn't come in??? Should I buy now and not worry about all that? - there is just too much to think about! Please tell me I'm not the only one who has this conversation with myself.

Angela R. said...

IN the Fred Meyer Extra Savings booklet is a coupon good for $3 off 5 Quaker products! This is a manufacturer's Q.

I've been WAITING for this sale. Thanks for the heads-up.

Alicia Cole said...

There is also $1 off 2 Aunt Jemima pancake mix or syrup coupons on ebay! Sweet deal on pancake mix and syrup!

Sara said...

Thanks a ton! I just bought 2 lots of 20 $1/2 granola bars for $2.75! Can't wait to stock up! I was so mad at myself for not printing in time for the nature valley bars. This is a way better deal! Hope the doublers come too!

Julee said...

Sara - the five Mile/ustick Albies has TONS of boxes with $1 off of 2 peelie coupons right on the boxes! I was just there last night.

Rosebriars said...

There's a tearpad at the Winco in Meridian of the $3/5 quaker Qs. I was there yesterday and took a few just in case...so that will bring most of it down to .40 a piece. I have NEVER seen Life that cheap before (but i've only been doing this 7 months). Tomorrow i'm off to order 30 boxes of cereal!

Alyssa said...

Is this deal regional? I'm from Arizona and don't want to buy a bunch of coupons if its not going to be on sale here!

Monica said...

Alyssa- I know AZ does not follow us exactly. So it would be a risk. You may have to wait til the ad comes out and then place your ebay order right away.

Alyssa said...

Thanks Monica!

Loren and Tama said...

Winco has a display of Quaker products, and a stack of manufacturer peelie coupons for $3 off 5 Quaker products! I grabbed several for this deal. They expire march 31st. Sounds like the same deal as in the Fred Meyer coupon booklet.

Brookie said...

can i buy the dipped granola bars with my $1/2 chewy granola bars...or can i only buy the regular ones? i know that may be a silly question but you just never know:)

Martha said...

Brookie, I think you can both because the dipps say chewy on the box. As long as your coupon is for the Chewy Granola Bars, it should work for both.

amanda said...

Where did you hear about this sale. I don't see it on either of the two sites that normally post early! I am not complaining I am really happy you gave the quick heads up so coupons could be ordered!!! But how do you find this out?

Mama Yo said...

Amanda - we have an insider ;)

Brookie - I agree with Martha (and thanks for the help Marth!)

Ashley said...

I may be blind but I went to two different Wincos today to find the $3/5 coupon but couldn't find it anywhere. Can someone help me out? Which stores and where in them? Or maybe they are all gone... I hope not!

Amber said...

Ashley, my bet is they have all been taken. I was at Winco this morning and completely forgot to look! My hope is that a number of people took a few, but usually it is that a few took them all. You can still find some on ebay. They are well worth it!

Mama Yo said...


I'm guessing the same too Ashley. Unfortunately, there are couponers out there who hoard and took more than just 2, 3 or 4. I ended up buying some on eBay.

Christina said...

Can I mix and match the $1 and $1.40 stuff? So could I buy 4 boxes of instant packets and 1 container of plain oats? Or do I have to buy five of the $1 and 5 of the %1.50's?

Monica said...


I bet you can. It looks like it is doing an instant savings of $3 everytime you buy 5. .60 off each product.
I do not know for sure. It will have to be tested. :)

Everyone- Do not forget about the coupon in the FM booklet that Anglea told us about. It is an MQ!

I looked at the Nampa Winco today, no sign of quaker coupons.

Brookie said...

thank you martha:) this is my new favorite site:) thanks for giving us a heads up on the sale so we can buy coupons:) you guys are awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog!!! I bought my coupons on ebay (hopefully they will get here fast) and am ready to shop!

Ashley said...

Thanks for all the help!

Shelley said...

does this deal run until the 2nd of Feb (like a regular ad week?) I ordered Ebay q's and want to be sure I get to Albies in time.


Fabulessly Frugal said...

Shelley- Yup the sale is through Feb 2nd! Don't worry about your q's.

Amanda said...

I'm soooo excited about this sale! Last Quaker sale I got 20 boxes and thought that was a lot, but we sure went through them fast! Gotta order coupons quick! Is anyone awake who can tell me if I should order from someone who isn't a top seller? Their coupons are cheaper but I'm nervous something will go wrong! Plus all the sellers are on the east coast, what's up with that? Mailman don't fail me now!

Mama Yo said...

Mandey - I think you'll be OK. Especially if their feedback is 100%! Just read their shipping policy. Most ship the same day or next day depending on when you purchase. I got mine Saturday night and they all shipped today. I expect them by Wed or Thur. If you got yours by Saturday, you'd still be OK! Just place an order while your coupons are being sent to you and I bet they'll come the same time your order is in!

Monica did a great post all about placing an order here:


Good luck!!!

Amanda said...

One more thing...Cathy, earlier you said if you place an order it should arrive by Sunday. If I were to do this but didn't make it in until Monday or Tuesday (if it takes the coupons that long to arrive) would they be upset? What if I place an order until I know if there will be doublers so I can base the size of the order on that? That would be Sunday at the latest of course. Is that too late considering the ad ends Tuesday? I've never placed an order before, but this sale is so worth it! Sorry if I sound crazy lol. Thank you, hope you can help me!

Mama Yo said...

Mandey - If I understand your question, you're wondering if you can wait and order on Sunday? If you do, your shipment wont come in until super late Tuesday night... So you're going to want to order sooner than that. You'll want to place your order by Friday so it will come in on the Sunday (late Saturday night) delivery. One thing to remember is that you'll be limited in the amount of doubles you can get. I'll be getting 6 with my Sunday paper, and then each time I make a trip to a store, I can ask for one ad. So I'm thinking the most double transactions I'll do is 8, maybe 10 at the most if I'm really feelin it!

Does that answer your Q? I'm happy to help if I can! So ask away!

Alicia Cole said...

Superbob over at SD posted that he knew there were doublers coming this weekend. He is usually a very reliable source, but that is all I know!

Amanda said...

Yes, thank you Cathy! :)

Brookie said...

tony, i wish you would have left some for us:(

Martha said...

I'm still not sure on those FM coupons. They all have the same barcode number and if you grabbed the ones off the shelves, they are copies of the ones in the book. Albies won't take copied coupons, so I'm just not quite sure if that will work or not. Obviously FM takes them, but I don't know if another store will because they are copies and all have the same number on them.

Monica said...

Unless you are buying 100 boxes of cereal or oats you may want to consider sharing those coupons.

It is not good coupon etiquette to wipe a store out of anything.

Mama Yo said...

Yikes Tony! Hoarding isn't nice!

I'm starting to fear that Albies won't take the ones I purchased on eBay (the $3/5) because of the ones that have been taken from Winco and Fred Meyer. If this happens, I'll be super bummed - I spent MONEY on those coupons!

Martha said...

Cathy, you keep worrying me :)

Shouldn't Albies take them as long as they are original man. q's? It sounds like the ones from Freddies are copies of one in their book, but hopefully the ones you got are orinigal q's. I noticed too that the Fred Meyer ones I saw had holes punched through the coupon to hang them, but it goes through the expiration date.

Good luck to everyone...hope we can all get what we are needing/wanting.

Mama Yo said...

Martha - I'm just overly anxious some times! :) or :(

I hope no one ruins it for the rest of us. Crossing fingers!

Julee said...

I sure hope they take the ebay $3 off 5 coupons! I ordered LOTS of them :( I saw some at Freddys, but the ones I saw were definitely copies with a hole punch thru the expiration date - I didn't take ANY because I doubted that Albies would accept them.

Monica said...

I am surprised that Fred Meyer has copied coupons in their store. Don't they know copying coupons is illegal?

The Hendricks ID said...

I purchased the 3/5 coupon last quaker sale. I called Albertsons and asked if they would get paid for the coupons and teh manager told me No because they said associated foods on them. If they say that you may get away with using them but it wouldn't be good.
I used mine at Walmart because tey will take other store coupons anyway so I felt more honest about that but I called quaker to see if the store would get reimbursed and they really didn't know one way or the other. So if they don't say down at the bottom (last time it was in red) only at associated foods you will be just fine otherwise probably not. Let me know if anyone gets these coupons on ebay and knows if the fine print says anything like that, I would like to get some of those again too.

dawnbdh said...

I was wondering if anyone has had trouble using high value coupons at Albertson's. I have lots of $1 off coupons that I would love to use to score free oatmeal and cereal this week since Safeway wouldn't let me use them for their sale. It's quite a drive for me to the nearest Albertson's so I would hate to get there just to have them tell me I couldn't use them.

Mama Yo said...

Hey Dawnbdh -

It seems that every Albertsons is different with how they handle coupons and couponers. I would call the store and speak to a manager before you go. If he/she gives you the go ahead, get their name and go for it!

Monica said...

Just made a quick trip to the Nampa greenhurst store on my lunch and they took the mq from the FM booklet. I was not surprused, but I know some of you have been worried.
I also noticed that they were taking the yellow fm mq's (fro mthe aisle) too? That surprised me.

The Balcom Family said...

I called my local albertson's (spanaway) and they are not including any granola bars that are not in the ad - so none of the true delights or fiber/omega ones. I think that's what the $.55/1 is for. Just wanted to be sure y'all checked that your coupon will cover the right things! I'm still planning on getting 6 and using my doulbers so I get them for $.10 a box. Just bummed I can't get them for free! :)

Mama Yo said...

Balcom Fam -
I ordered some $.55/1 on eBay and just got them today. They are for the regular Granola Chewys. A great deal any way you look at it!

Glad to hear the majority of the stores are taking the $3/5!!

Julee said...

Cathy - do you know of any stores that aren't taking the $3/5 coupons? The ones I ordered from ebay aren't here yet and I'm starting to get nervous

Mama Yo said...

Julee - From all the comments on 5 different Albertsons subjects (I think there must be 200 between the 5 posts!)it looks like the only Treasure Valley store that gave anyone a hard time about the $3/5 was the Fairview/Cole store.

I think this calls for a SEPARATE post over at Boise Bargain Babes! So we can keep track of the stock and who is taking what!

Check it out here: http://boisebargainbabes.blogspot.com/2010/01/albertons-who-what-when-where-how-much.html

And share your organized knowledge in the comments!

Julee said...

Great idea! Thanks Cathy!!

Disney freak said...

I know you guys are all mostly on the western side of the state but I am here in Pocatello and just wanted to let you guys know that my albertson's took the FM 3$/5 coupon tonight without a problem. The manager said as long as they were the ORIGINAL and not the little photocopy ones that there was not a problem with it and that they were happy to take them. Also, just to let you know that they were plenty stocked on EVERYTHING except for the oatmeal squares cereal and breakfast cookies but they had cases and cases of everything else including much more in the back they said so they are very well prepared for us Eastern Idaho couponers which makes me happy!!!

Unknown said...

I ordered granola bar coupons on ebay. They said they were the quacker chewy oat granola bars. i recieved them in the mail today. Disappointing! they are for the Omega3 granola bars. other ebay members said if they were omega3 bars or not. I am very sad that I am going to miss out on the free granola bars

Mama Yo said...

Katie -

Go to your store Tuesday night, if they are out of granola bars, you can get a raincheck and have that seller send you the correct coupons. You'll still be able to get some cheap granola bars!