There is a NEW $5/$25 Rite Aid Coupon!! It doesn't expire until Dec 19!!
ps - Here is the Rite Aid Coupon policy: (Thanks Hip to Save!)
At Rite Aid:
You can use a manufacturer's coupon with a Rite Aid coupon at anytime as long as the two combine do not exceed the amount of the item you are purchasing. Rite Aid accepts all internet coupons as long as the value of the coupon is below $5.00.
Also, you can use more than one coupon per transaction.Whenever an item is on sale you can use a coupon on the item as long as the value of the coupon does not exceed the value of the item itself. For instance: if you have a coupon for a $1.00 off and the item is on sale for $0.99, the coupon cannot be used as it exceeds the value of the item being purchased. I hope this explains in further detail the coupon policy for you.
When items are featured on a buy one get one free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long a the net price does not go below zero for the item being purchased.Rite Aid accepts the $5 off $25 or more before all other coupons are used.
This was changed recently so if you have difficulty simply have the manager contact 1-800-RITEAID for information.
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