I come from a long line of Frugal Family. My dad has always been careful about how he spends his money. Even at work much of what has made him a successful business man is his ability to cut costs and increase revenue for the companies he has worked for.
So when my husband and I were first married my dad bought this book, "Multiple Streams of Income" and gave it to my husband and asked him to read it. My husband read it. Not because he was intimidated by my dad, but because I married a truly savvy guy who does what he can to help us save money. This book sparked his first interest in real estate investment, and was used as a guide in setting up our own stock accounts.
There are many frugal lessons to learn in this book. Including: Creating Cash Flow, Success in the Stock Market, Winning Big in Real Estate, and much, much more!
Get your FREE Copy, and find out how to create your own CASH FLOW!
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