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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Massage Giveaway!

The Fabuless Dr. Olsen is really pampering our readers this month. Now he is giving away a

1 hour massage

to one of our Fabuless readers! (Never had a massage before? Be sure to read this post!)

Dr. Olsen really is Fab. We have had two readers write in to tell us how much they love him. Tina, Judy, plus today I spoke with two friend who went in today and said they are really excited be working with him. If you have not been in for this Fab Chiro deal there is still time. You just have to get in before the end of the month. Get the details here.

You will have six chances to win the massage.

You can do each option below or only one it is up to you.

The more times you enter the better your odds!

1. Tell us why you would love a massage.
2. Blog about our giveaway! Link back to us and let your BFF's know about this Fab massage
(leave your link in the comments)
3. Email your friends and "cc" us at fabulesslyfrugal at gmail dot com to verify.
4. Put our cute green and brown button on your blog (find the code on the sidebar)
5. Follow us (again, see right sidebar!)
6. Subscribe via RSS or Feedblitz email thingy:)

The giveaway ends May 31st the same day as the Fabuless Chiropractor deal:

For Only $10 and a bag of donation items.

You will have until midnight to enter.

We will announce the winner on Monday June 1st!

Authors are eligible to enter.


Meaghan said...

What Mom wouldn't love to have a massage!? I'd love to have one to take a minute for myself. To be able to relax and relieve the stesses that hang around from having three kids. I love them to death but boy does my back hurt! :-)

Mama Yo said...

I sit at the computer too much and my muscles are tighter than tight! One hour of pure relaxation sounds FAB!

Alana said...

I'd love to win because it's on my "bucket list" to get a one hour massage!

Chris and Kat said...

I think this would be fabuless because I am a massage therapist and I rarely get a massage myself! :)

Andrea said...

Id' love a massage b/c I'm an overwhelmed new mom!

Andrea said...

I have your button.

Andrea said...

I subscribe.

Amber said...

Sweet! I need one because I sat on airplanes for 8 hours yesterday, and my back is all sorts of messed up!

Ashley said...

Dear Fabulessly Frugal,

Usually I don’t enter contests, but I though this one might be worth my while! I’m not entering for myself, but rather for my boyfriend. He deserves it more than I do. He’s been installing commercial size, garage doors out of town for the past 5 weeks, and he’s got about another 5 weeks to go! He’s home on the weekends, but it’s obvious that the manual labor, his tool belt (that probably weights as much as I do), and sleeping on hotel beds is taking a toll on his back. He's self-less and really deserves it! Thanks! :)

Martha said...

I need a massage because all this couponing is wearing me out!!!

Amy Tenney said...

I need a coupon because I'm pregnant!!!

Anonymous said...

I would love a massage because i wouldnt have to talk for a WHOLE hour. that sounds like heaven to me.

benandmonitanner said...

I am the mother of three children under the age of five...isn't that enough :)

ranell said...

I just finished mopping my floor, I deserve some R&R and a good massage!

ranell said...

I also have your button on my blog.

Brenda Campbell Hansen said...

I'm following you!

Brenda Campbell Hansen said...

I have your button on my blog! (hansfam08.blogspot.com)

Brenda Campbell Hansen said...

I need a massage because I have 6 kids and my back hurts from picking up after them all day!

Sarah said...

I have actually never had a massage before! I know... can you believe it? I hear they are wonderful.

ranell said...

I am a follower.

Hollie said...

I have never had a message before (professional) and it would be nice.

Hollie said...

Your button is on my blog

Monica said...

Wow only 22 entries so far? That means I have a good chance of winning! I need a massage to cure my cart pushing, teeth scraping, volleyball hitting, computer typing, mouse clicking, baby carrying, and coupon clipping aches and pains! Pick me random generator!

Carol said...

Sign me up! I've been playing lots of tennis lately and my shoulder and back are talking to me. I have also been doing all those things a mother does, and working part-time too!

Erin said...

Well, well. I would LOVE a massage... I have an awful back (back surgery 1 month after I turned 24 has ruined me for life...)
My email is: eguymonrdh(at)yahoo(dot)com

Erin said...

I subscribed!

Erin said...

I added your button!

Erin said...

...And, I follow...

Meridian Mama said...

Oooh, I'd love to win a massage! I am always chasing my 18-month old around and expecting our second, so I sure could use a little pampering... :O)

Carolee said...

Oh, how my back and shoulders could use a massage! As I try to daily take care of 4 kids and a hubby and a house and laundry and nurse the baby...well, my muscles get pretty tight sometimes.... I would love to just relax and feel the tension melt away!

Carolee said...

I'm already a follower!

Carolee said...

And, I already subscribe to the feedblitz emails!

Carolee said...

I emailed my friends...

Melanie said...

I'm already a follower and I would love a massage! Actually I might even give it to my husband, he works so hard for us and could really use it. I also already subscribe to the feedblitz emails. Thanks!

Ransom Family said...

I put your button on my blog.

Ransom Family said...

I would love to have a massage to go along with the awesome chiropractic care that I am receiving from Dr. Olsen. He is so great to work with that I would enjoy working with other people on the staff of Better Life Chiropractic

4 peas in a pod said...

I would like a massage because I just had a baby and my mussles could use it.

4 peas in a pod said...

Your button is on my blog

4 peas in a pod said...

I am a follower