Happy St. Patrick's Day! Get your certificate for 60% off plus a FREE $10 certificate if you use the CODE GREEN. Now through March 23rd. Get yours here
Never bought a certificate from Restaurants.com? Keep READING!
There's a catch right?
Well kind of. When you redeem your certificate you have to have a bill that is at least $35. So you buy the certificate for $4 and then you have to spend at least $10 above $25, then you tip 18% on the original bill. Total cost for you will be $20 including the original $4 for the certificate.
Have you guys actually done this?
Yes, I would not put it on here if we hadn't. I have redeemed certificates at Ono Hawaiian Cafe, and twice at Donnie Mac's Trailer Park. I have certificates waiting to spend at Asiago's and Cafe Vicino. I am not worried I have one year to use them! Cathy has purchased them as well. I think she chose Asiago's.
I have never heard of those restaurants, is this only for local readers?
No, When you get to the site you enter in your zip code to get restaurants local to you! I love it because it gives me an excuse to try and support local restaurants in my city (46 to choose from). If I was to go to Portland for the weekend I could buy one and try out their local digs.
I want to eat out tonight. Do I have to wait for the certificate to arrive in the mail?
No, you print it from your home computer. I think if you can't print right away they will email you the certificate. I am not positive on that one.
Anything else I should know?
Yes, After you pay and are getting ready to print a window pops up it is a $10 rebate offer if you join some discount club... scroll to the bottom right and click "no thanks" to continue on to print off your gift certificate. The 1st time I did this I accepted and then they sent me a letter saying that my first month was free, but starting next month they would bill my credit card for my membership. I did not try the trial membership I just called and canceled. I knew I would likely forget about it and have my credit card billed. So hit "no thanks" and you will not have to hassle. Maybe the discount club is awesome? I just didn't want to mess with it.
I bought one months ago but never got it....any suggestions?
It does not come in the mail. You print it from your computer. There might be an option to have it mailed I am not sure. I would call them and ask about it. They likely have record of your purchase. 1.888.745.6991
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